MOUNTAIN BIKING: Tipperary Creek Loop



Exit the Fraser Valley Center and turn left, after you tavel under the bridge take a right. When
this road arrives at a T-intersection cross the road and look for a singletrack trail called Givello.
At about 4.5 miles the trail splits go right then right again onto Northwest Passage. On this
section there are a lot of random roads so just stay on what looks like the trail and you will soon
dump out onto a road (CR 50). Turn left and follow this road for about 3.5 miles when there is a
trail to left (Tipperary Creek) and start the climb. Pass the backscratch trail and cross the creek.
The climb will soon become easier and then after about a mile you will start descending. At the
end of the Spurce Creek Trail bear right and then immediatly left. Cross over the creek and then
turn left on the flume trail. At the end of the Flume Trail turn right onto the Chainsaw trail. Pass
the Zoom Trail and then left onto Elk Creek Road. Follow this road back to the Fraer Valley
Center and your car.


From Denver travel west on I-70and take exit 232 onto Highway 40 west. Pass through Winter <br />Park and into Fraser. Turn left at the light by the Fraser Valley Center. This is Elk Creek Road. <br />Park in the Fraser Valley Center.